remote control

Wasei-eigo: リモコン (remote control)

remote control

【 リモコン (rimokon) 】remote control

リモコン may be one of the most well-known 和製英語(わせいえいご) wasei-eigo (Japanese-made English) used in daily Japanese, after エアコン (air conditioner).

In pre-remote-control days, we used to say,


to change the TV channel, as in turn (まわす) the dial.

Today, we say 「チャンネルを()える」to change the channel.

Can you pass me the remote control?

I can’t find the remote.

Uh, the remote is not working.

   *()かない = 反応(はんのう)しない、効果(こうか)がない not responding, not working

The remote (control) is broken.

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