
Japanese Onomatopoeia for Eating and Drinking

Japanese Onomatopoeia for Eating and Drinking

オノマトペ in Japanese refers to all onomatopoeic and mimetic words (non-onomatopoeic words). The two main groups are 擬音語 giongo which describes a sound, and 擬態語 gitaigo, which describes a condition or state, an emotion, or feeling. They are useful in expressing subtle nuances and are frequently used in conversation and story-telling (as in manga or anime).

In this video, you’ll learn Japanese onomatopoeia and mimetic words related to eating and drinking.

For practice, fill in the blank with Japanese (hiragana or katakana) of the italicized noun, and check your answers in the video! 

どぼどぼ (dobo dobo)
pour excessively

– – – をドボドボかける
pour lots of sauce

もりもり (mori mori)
eat heartily

– – – をモリモリ食べる
eat rice hungrily

ぱくぱく (paku paku)
gobble up

– – – – をぱくぱく食べる
gobble up the octopus balls

ずるずる (zuru zuru)
slurping sound

– – をズルズルすする
slurp the soba

ぽりぽり (pori pori)
nibbling, munching on something that is crunchy

– – – – をぽりぽり食べる
munch on a cucumber

ぺろぺろ (pero pero)
licking motion

– – – – – をペロペロなめる
lick a candy apple

くちゃくちゃ (kucha kucha)
loud chewing sound

– – をくちゃくちゃかむ
chew on gum loudly

ちびちび (chibi chibi)

– – – – – をちびちび飲む
sip on sake

とくとく (toku toku)
the sound of liquid pouring from a narrow mouth

– – – をとくとくと注ぐ
pour beer (from a bottle)

ごくごく (goku goku)

– – – – をごくごく飲む
gulp down some barley tea

For more, learn Japanese オノマトペ (onomatope) to describe food here, and learn how to describe food and flavors here.

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