【 ごくごく・goku goku 】gulping sound
(mugicha wo goku goku to nonda)
gulped down barley tea
(bīru wo goku goku to nonda)
I gulped down the beer.
*飲む (nomu) = drink
Japanese is rich in onomatopoeic expressions (4500!) and are useful for articulating a sound, state or emotion.
Some are difficult to give the exact translation or description, so in general, it’s helpful to remember them in pairs with the corresponding verb or noun, as in
ごくごく(と) + のむ = gulp down
*The と adds focus to the manner, but it can be omitted.
The opposite of ごくごく is ちびちび (chibi chibi).
(uisukī wo chibi chibi to nonda)
I sipped on the whiskey.
ちびちび(と) + のむ = sip