Flavors and How to Describe Food in Japanese
If you’ve started learning Japanese, you may already know that おいしい (oishii) means good or delicious. When in doubt, おいしい works for everything. However, if you know some flavors and adjectives to describe the food, you’ll be able to take the conversation a step further.
Note that Japanese people love talking about food, which is why there are many words to describe the subtle flavors and textures.
Talking about food is part of enjoying the food.
Below are the flavors and adjectives you’ll learn in the video. Can you think of a food or drink for each? We’ve included some examples for each in the video.
甘い sweet
ほの甘い slightly sweet, semi-sweet
すっぱい sour, tangy
あまずっぱい tart, sweet-and-sour
辛い hot, spicy
甘辛い sweet and salty
塩辛い salty
苦い bitter
Describing the Flavor:
さっぱり refreshing
こってり heavy, oily
あっさり light
*「さっぱり」is also an adjective for someone with a straightforward, frank personality.
*「あっさり」also means simple, plain.
Describing Texture:
みずみずしい fresh and juicy
硬い hard
やわらかい soft
もちもち springy, moist, plump texture
Describing the Temperature:
冷たい cold
温かい warm
熱い hot
Check out the food オノマトペ (onomatopoeia) video as well, here.
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