How many types of ramen do you know?
This video introduces the different types of Japanese ramen and toppings. Listen to the pronunciations and learn some simple phrases that you can use when you go to a ramen shop in Japan.
Which type is your favorite?
Types of Ramen:
醤油ラーメン soy-sauced based broth
塩ラーメン salt-based broth
豚骨ラーメン pork bone-based broth
味噌ラーメン miso-based broth
つけ麺 dipping noodles
Typical Toppings:
ネギ scallions
のり seaweed
味付け玉子 egg marinated in soy sauce
チャーシュー braised pork
メンマ seasoned bamboo shoot
なると cured fish surimi
バター butter
コーン corn
What is 中華そば (chūkasoba)?
When ラーメン was introduced in Japan, it was called 中華そば (chūkasoba) because it was Chinese noodles in a Chinese-style soup. (中華 = Chinese)
With the opening of Japan in the Meiji era, the dish spread from 横浜中華街 (Yokohama Chinatown) throughout the country and quickly becoming a national favorite.
Today, there’s a ramen shop on almost every corner of any restaurant area. When you’re in Japan, you’ll be able to spot the popular shops with a long line trailing outside.
中華そば is usually shoyu-based and many old-school 大衆食堂 (Japanese diners) still have it on the menu. So if you want to have a classic bowl of ramen, go for 中華そば.
Do you know what the onomatopoeia for a slurping sound is? Find out here.
Learn how to make ramen at home